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20 August 2014 Bonds

Bond Market Insight

Government bond auction results: Insufficient market demand

According to the NBU data on bondholders’ portfolios, the largest increase was in the non-residents’ portfolio, most likely from last Friday’s primary auction, as their portfolio rose about UAH2.0bn, ...

ICUDebtInsight-20140820.pdf  (341.5kb)

20 August 2014 Bonds

Bond Market Insight

НДС облигации. Ожидания по доходностям

НДС-ОВГЗ с окончательным погашением через пять лет, но с выплатой амортизации каждые пол года, были достаточно интересным инструментом для нерезидентов в прошлые выпуски, которые состоялись в 2004 и 2...

ICUDebtInsight-20140820-VAT-Rus.pdf  (451.8kb)

18 August 2014 Bonds

Bond Market Insight

Government bond auction results: Auction held twice in one day

After two unsuccessful primary auctions on Tuesday and Thursday, the MoF held two reopening of 3-year bonds on Friday and sold more than UAH2.0bn of bonds. These auctions were held in two attempts, on...

ICUDebtInsight-20140818.pdf  (1.3mb)

18 August 2014 Bonds

Bond Market Insight

Weekly review: Nothing important, low volatility

There was no catalytic news last week, and investor sentiment remains unchanged. After Ukrainian Eurobond prices fell significantly the week before, last week saw slight volatility at the new level...

ICUDebtInsight-20140818.pdf  (1.3mb)

15 August 2014 Bonds

Bond Market Insight

Government bond auction results: Only "military" bonds sold

Of the three offered bonds yesterday, the MoF sold only a small volume of “military” bonds. The other two routine bonds with 9-month and 5-year maturities attracted no demand. Military bonds received ...

ICUDebtInsight-20140815.pdf  (339.2kb)

15 August 2014 Bonds

Bond Market Insight

Результаты аукциона по продаже ОВГЗ: двойное доразмещение

После двух, вполне неудачных попыток первичных размещений во вторник и четверг, сегодня Минфин провёл двойное доразмещение 3-летних облигаций на сумму более 2.0 млрд гривень. Размещения были проведены...

ICUDebtInsight-20140815-Rus.pdf  (449.5kb)

14 August 2014 Bonds

Bond Market Insight

Результаты аукциона по продаже ОВГЗ: размещены только "военные" ОВГЗ

Из трёх облигаций, предложенных на аукционе сегодня, Минфин смог разместить только "военные" облигации, и то на небольшую сумму. Обычные ОВГЗ со сроками до погашения девять месяцев и пять лет не получ...

ICUDebtInsight-20140814-Rus.pdf  (446.1kb)

13 August 2014 Bonds

Bond Market Insight

Government bond auction results: No demand

Yesterday’s primary auction appears to be a set up for a new series of auctions to take place this week. Last week's debut auction on Tuesday was canceled in a similar way due to low demand only to be...

ICUDebtInsight-20140813.pdf  (332.8kb)